VCHR Education Resources

Gaza Resources

The Education Committee of VCHR has curated a number of resources that are of specific relevancy for the situation in Gaza, which can be found here.

Annotation of the MENA Resource Guide (2023)

In 2023, the Education Committee of VCHR reviewed and annotated the MENA Resource Guide for Secondary Teachers, which can be found here.

Center for Muslim Christian Understanding (CMCU) Workshops and Resources

The following are two PDF documents concerning teacher workshops and resources provided through the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim Christian Understanding (CMCU) at Georgetown University (

Education Brochure

The Education Committee has created a brochure that provides a summary of the VCHR Education webpage sections. It may be downloaded from: VCHR Education Brochure.

Equity VA Webinar: Culturally Responsive and Inclusive 9/11 Commemoration

The following webinar organized by the Virginia Department of Education provides guidance for educators regarding a culturally responsive and inclusive 9/11 commemoration: