Legislative Campaigns 2019

Virginia General Assembly 2019 - VCHR lobbied for two JLARC studies

What is a JLARC Study of the Virginia-Israel Advisory Board?

A typical Joint Legislative Audit Research Committee (JLARC) study evaluates whether a state agency like the Virginia Israel Advisory board (VIAB) or a program is accomplishing legislative intent and using resources effectively and efficiently. A study would also analyze an issue of concern related to the core functions of government, such as education or economic development.

Why did we support this JLARC Study?

We believe that the status of the VIAB is unsettled and warrants a study by JLARC. VCHR questions whether the VIAB should be a state agency funded with taxpayer money and provided with rent-free office space in a state building because it:

  1. Provides Israel unique access to, and the implicit endorsement by, the government of the Commonwealth of Virginia that no other country enjoys;
  2. Embroils the Commonwealth in foreign policy debates like the Boycott/Divest/Sanction (BDS) movement;
  3. Operates independently of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership;
  4. Conflicts with the Commonwealth’s economic interests; and
  5. Claims responsibility for unverified increases in tax revenue and jobs.

What was the outcome?

Although many of our lobby day meetings resulted in “interest” regarding our VIAB concerns, we did not find anyone to patron a resolution to order a JLARC study of VIAB.

What is a JLARC Study of the VDOE Textbook Review Process?

A typical Joint Legislative Audit Research Committee study (JLARC) evaluates whether a state agency like the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is accomplishing legislative intent and using resources effectively and efficiently. A study would also analyze an issue of concern related to the core functions of government, such as education or economic development.

Why did we support this JLARC Study?

VCHR believes that the VDOE textbook review process is opaque and unresponsive to public queries and testimony, and therefore, warrants a JLARC Study. VCHR has three asks, which are described as follows:

  1. Greater accuracy in the content of history textbooks vis-à-vis the modern Middle East;
  2. Greater transparency in the composition of the textbook review committee; and
  3. Greater safeguarding of content integrity by insulating the review process from political pressures and by establishing a process that involves the relevant subject-matter experts in the evaluation of public feedback.

What was the outcome?

Although many of our lobby day meetings resulted in “interest”, we did not find a legislator to patron a resolution to order a JLARC study of VDOE.